Hello. My name is Laura Lloyd.
I appreciate you stopping by.

I have over 20 years of experience in public health research and digital innovation, primarily applied in the areas of sexual and reproductive health and HIV/STI prevention. I’m currently an independent consultant, aiming to keep human needs at the center of a range of research, design, and development projects.

Prior to stepping out on my own, I spent a decade at Power to Decide (formerly The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy), where my favorite days were spent building the contraception-support program, Bedsider, and coaching federal grantees through the human-centered design process as part of Innovation Next.

I have a BA in Psychology and Sociology from University of Colorado, an MPH from Emory University, and an MS in Human-Computer Interaction Design from Indiana University’s School of Informatics — all with the common theme of trying to better understand and influence human behavior.

I live in San Diego with my family, where I enjoy the weather daily, even if I don’t get to the beach nearly often enough. 

You can grab my CV here.

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